Electric vehicles are quickly growing in popularity all across America, and now more companies than ever offer at least one electric-powered model. However, owning an electric vehicle used to be quite a huge pain, as you would have to purposefully look for charging friendly areas and keep your car plugged in for long hours. With the increase of technology, many of these teething problems are now going away, and most electric cars are now so much easier to run than their predecessor. Here are a few ways electric vehicles are becoming more and more attractive to buy as time goes on.

Wireless Vehicle Charging

While you used to constantly need to know how much charge your car had, and forgetting to plug it in meant having to catch the bus the next day, now wireless vehicle charging has eliminated that problem. All you need to do now is set up the charging station and have a nice, open section on your garage floor for it. Then, when you park at night, do so over the top of the charging station, and the magnetic coil on the underside of your car will wirelessly charge your vehicle. No more late-night trips to the garage to check if you have plugged your car in, as a wireless charging station will do it all for you.

Larger Range

In addition to having an easier way to charge your car, modern electric cars also have a far greater range than ever before. While the first iteration of electric vehicles couldn't even get close to a 100-mile range, modern cars can easily surpass 200, and many are reaching closer to double that. This makes them not just suitable for day-to-day uses but also longer trips, such as on vacations. With the availability of electric charging stations all across America growing rapidly, the range of a vehicle is becoming less a concern than ever.

Lower Upfront Cost

While the upper end of electric cars still cost close to $100,000, there is a wide range of options that now sit closer to $30,000, which is comparable to many middle of the range hatchbacks and sedans. Considering that the finish on these entry electric cars is also similar to those varieties with petrol engines, the reasons to not get an electric model are shrinking. When you consider operating costs, many wireless vehicles come out cheaper after just a few years of use, and the value only gets more apparent as it ages. 
